Family News In A Flash
November 2007

     My list of Birthdays shows only four in November, but I would bet there are birthdays out there that I don’t have on my list.  If you know of any I’ve missed, I would welcome them.

     My beloved big brother, Jack, (John Joseph for our Uncle John Gierhofer and our father, Joseph Pfister) is first in line for me.  He was nine years older than I and added to the spoiling I got as the “baby” of the family.  Vern and I named our second son after him.

Jack 1940
Jack, 1940

     Lovely lady Anne Wangeman, Dave’s dear friend was born in November.


     Vern’s birthday is right in the middle of the month.

Vern 1942
Vern about 1942

     and Florence’s husband, J. R. Burke, on the 25th.

Joe Burke 1934
J.R. Burke, 1934

     November is the month that always makes it clear to me that winter is on the way.  This year, we had one special day that was a perfect picture post card... with fat, white snowflakes falling for most of the daylight hours.  We sat in our cozy, warm house and loved every minute of it!

From Hildy about Ralph’s wife Nancy’s memorial service..

The Memorial today was very nice.  Especially, sweet was Ralph's telling about Nancy, including their ups and downs.  He shared their courtship, young married life, her strong religious beliefs, his resistance to joining in her religious fervor, her strength in dealing with her cancer and her impending death.  He shared honestly and openly for all that attended.  I was amazed at his strength.

From Heather: (a quote)

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check. 
M. C. Escher

On the 15th, we celebrated Vern’s 89th birthday with a little family party at home. There was ice cream and cake with candles... Nice party.

This was the answer I received from Frank Withrow when I wrote to thank him for the message of hope he sent on the eve of Thanksgiving.  I take courage from it.

“ I get down from time to time, but we will overcome the tragedy that has hit our nation.  We will regain our honor and become a beacon of hope for the world.”

I sincerely pray he is right.

     We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with Hildy, Dan, and Jack at their home.  Turkey with all the usual trimmings and a few extras.  During our visit, Heather came on the videophone which transmits a picture from their home in Maryland splitting the screen on Lightfoot’s TV with a mirror image of the Lightfoot family room.  We could see Heather and the kids (as she captured the squirming, little bodies), with an occasional glimpse of Thomas.. and she could see us… It’s almost as good as in person, but not quite… They all look wonderful. Skyler had his 3rd birthday in October and ‘Tasia will be 2 in February…

From Russ November 27 (He and Jana are working with an organization to help young people who have come to a place in their lives where they need help to get back on track.  The site for this is an organic farm on the Island of Hawaii)

I'm sitting up on a bluff overlooking the ocean where we are camping north of Kona - got a new computer card that allows high speed internet over cell phone signals..anywhere in the world that has a Verizon signal - which is most of the world nowadays....amazing technology. 
Anyway we are really liking the island - the farm is not typical as it is a treatment program so people can't stay there unless they are commited to the program or work there. We grow basically everything under the sun and it is really interesting learning about the process of organic farming which is the outlet for the kids with whom we work. The place is near Volcano national park on the south shore. 
We like the Kona side because it doesn't rain as much as Hilo - but Hilo and Puna are amazing jungly places. Jana and I bought our first surfboards yesterday (we've been borrowing) and are surfing everyday we can - quite the experience. 
Anyway I hope all is well and you had a happy thanksgiving! I always read the dixie-press! Tell everyone they have our best wishes and have a happy holiday season.

Aloha & Mahalo!
Russ & Jana

     In these difficult times for our country and many of our fellow citizens, I think these words should resound with a special meaning: To me, they mean we all need to do all we can to make sure our votes count to bring us wise and honorable people to govern.

     “The United States came into existence at a very auspicious period. And if their citizens should not be completely free and happy, the fault will be entirely their own”

                -George Washington, June 8, 1783-

Dixie-Dorothea, Senior Editor


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Since 8/17/2004