Family News In A Flash
August 2007

        Of the names on my birthday list for August, the closest one to me is our son, John Joseph, named for my brother, who was also John Joseph… always called JackBrother Jack was named for my father (Joseph) and Uncle John Gierhofer.

John as Huck Finn, about 1958
Hey you!
We can see that this page has suddenly gotten visitors from all over the country the last few weeks - can you tell us why? We're curious!

Dorothea, email link

        Also, on the list are Paul’s and Liz’ eldest daughter, Megan,

Megan, about 1985

our grandson-in-law, Thomas Withrow, Jr; Vern’s cousin, Helen, who just celebrated her 95th birthday; and from brother Jack’s family… Cole Carpenter and Wayne Nancarrow who are Jack’s granddaughter Sharon’s son and husband.

        On the 4th, Leslie hosted a wedding shower for Molly at her home.  The weather was lovely and we were very comfortable in Leslie’s  big back yard.  The party’s theme was garden creatures, so there were lots of “wings” on backs and “antennae” on heads. Molly received many beautiful presents and we all enjoyed the buffet set out on long tables in the garden shed at the back of the garden.

For pictures, see My Family Snapshots, to left

        To our joy, Heather and the two great-grandkids, Skyler and Tasia, were here for nearly a month.  Thomas had to leave before they did, as he took the U.S. Deaf Team, Track and Field, to Venezuela to compete in the Latin American Deaf Games.  (We hear they did well). Thomas has coached track and field at Gallaudet U for a long time.  That is how Heather met him when she was a student and team member.

        Hildy and Dan hosted the family summer get-together, as they always do, with a huge picnic, barbeque, pot luck.  Another beautiful day and more good food.  No wonder we are a nation of plumpies… We do love our “vittles”.
        A special feature this year was a contest for who could make the best devilled eggs.  The judges nearly demolished the several entries, “in their efforts to be fair” (ha!), and finally decided on the winner.  I’m glad we had judges appointed.  I would have been hard pressed to make a choice.

        The HistoryLink newsletter mentioned they were looking for free lance writers to support their sections titled Cyberpedias & Features and Timelines. These are both true documented history columns, not like the People’s Histories column where so many of my personal memories have found a home.  John applied and was given an assignment to do a “town” write-up for the two tiny towns of Metaline and Metaline Falls in Pend O’Reille County, plus some Timelines from that same county.  He knows a lot about that part of our state, so it will be interesting to see how that comes out.

From Heather 8/22

“What I'm doing tomorrow morning:
Singing ‘Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, off to work I go’.
I got the job offer to teach visual arts at MSSD, I accepted it just a few minutes ago and thought maybe you'd be somewhat interested to know. :) I start 16 hours from now.

(Then, the next day, after she had her first day at work……)

“My classroom, which used to serve as the woodshop (how fitting!), is humongous and devoid of decor but at least there's plenty of supplies to have and figure out how to show the students a few things. Since I tend to post anything that seem fun and interesting (prone to clutter) the large room should help conceal this disease of mine. I had a nice first day on the job, there were quite a few people who are still here that I knew from the last time I was there in Spring of 2001.”

                                   *     *     *     *     *

From Frank Withrow (I always enjoy the notes I get from Frank.  He has had an exceptionally interesting life and knows some very special people.  His attitude toward life and his role in it is inspirational)

 I am rereading a book by a friend of mine Henry Viscardi.  Hank was born
 with very crippled feet. He spent much of his early life in hospitals and they eventually amputated his bad feet. His family was a poor immigrant family in NYC, but he grew up and became a stock broker. During WW II President Roosevelt brought him in to work with veterans that had lost legs or arms  He was very successful at inspiring them to think of what they could  do.  His favorite saying was from Alice in Wonderland. When Alice tells the Queen of Hearts it is impossible to do something the Queen replies, "Nonsense, you must think of six impossible things to do each day before breakfast and then do them.  Practice the impossible girl."
When Henry went back to New York he didn't want to work on Wall Street again, but he had no clear idea of what to do. A young man who had no hands called him up and said he was thinking of committing suicide because he could not find a job. Henry on the phone said I'll hire you report to work Monday morning. On Monday morning Henry started in his garage a new company with four people.  He likes to say they had only one good leg among them. They had no knowledge and no skills but they started an electronics company that repaired among other things telephone and then they learned how to wire airplanes and eventually computers. Soon Hank had 450 to 500 severely disabled people working for him.  Henry then created a school for smart but severely disabled learners. Henry became famous around the world and helped other nations create comparable workshops.
JFK called Henry when he was staying in a Paris hotel. Some people in Franhad invited him over to help them develop a workshop for disabled people. It was before dawn and the hotel staff was excited about this call from the White House.  Of course Henry and his wife were still sleeping but they rushed up with the cable gram that said for Henry to call JFK. They wanted him to be on the President Committee fro the Mentally Retarded. Henry said he didn't know anything about the retarded and even though his wife told him he should call the White House he went to breakfast first. I guess he thought of six impossible things because he eventually did serve on a number of Presidential committees.
The story of ABILITIES Inc. and the Human Resources School on Long Island is an inspiring one that demonstrates people can really do the impossible. I have been thinking about the problems many of our veterans have coming back from the War in Iraq.  We are saving more lives, but the damage to feet, hands are enormous.  Some are adjusting to these problems but other are having a harder time. We need a Hank to guide us in these troubled times.”
        (When I asked if I might use his note in my column, this was his reply:)

“Yes by all means use what you can of what I wrote about Henry.  He was an amazing guy. We can all do much more than we think we can.  I have often said that we seem to think that we are all perfect and must do everything 100% right, but reality is that we all make mistakes and that if we make 51% of our decisions correctly we are ahead of the game. It is those who fear to take the risks because they might make a mistake that are the losers. I am pleased that Heather and Thomas are together. I think they are wonderful parents and will raise the kids to do wonderful things.
 Little kids are interesting.  When I was about four I thought somehow boys grew up and had something happen to their legs. My father was crippled and used a crutch and my uncle had polio and had braces and many of my dad's friends were also crippled. Woman then wore dresses so girls grew up with their legs intact to become women.  I worried and worried about this until my mother set me straight.
 Once a young deaf couple lived next to my parents. They were very oral and they had two little kids. Margaret and I knew them and went over to visit them with my mother. I noticed that when the kids talked to their parents they always got in front of them so the parents could lip read them, but they thought of my mother as a hearing person and talked to her without getting in front of her, but since Margaret and I were about the ages of their parents they got in front of us to talk with us. Little kids sort out their worlds.

(I’m glad I have become friends with Frank.  He makes me think.)

                                *     *     *     *

        I was remembering Mom’s favorite rosary on which the beads were made from rose petals, and also the times she, Florence and I spent making beautiful, black beads from rose petals from our own garden.  I had forgotten how to do them.  Someone reminded me I would probably find the recipe on Google… so I tried it … and there it was.  I do remember she always simmered the petals in a black, iron skillet, and that the process took several days. I think she added rusty nails, too.
        Florence and Mom’s beads were more perfect than mine, which had a tendency toward lop-sidedness.  Even so, I loved the way they smelled and felt… like black velvet. 
        Mine have disappeared over the years, and I think Mom’s were buried with her.  Anyway, here is what I found on Google, if someone wants to try making them.

Rose Petal Beads

- Use fresh rose petals collected in the morning.
- Chop fine.
- Cover with water in a pan and simmer
several hours until petals are pulp;
add water if it dries out.
- When pulp adheres together when pressed between fingers,
stop cooking and roll into beads.
- Pierce beads with large pin or small nail.
- String on heavy thread to dry.
- Let dry in warm dry place for about a week,
turning occasionally.
- Store rose petal beads in a box or jar
when not wearing them,
to preserve the fragrance. Variations - Use dry rose petals, ground to a powder.
Some recipes advise adding a binder,
such as corn starch, flour, or cosmetic clay;
up to 1 part binder to 1 part dry rose petals.
Add some rose oil if desired.
Add enough water to make a workable dough
and shape the beads, pierce, and dry as above. - Cooking petals in a rusty pan
or adding rusty nails while cooking makes beads black. - For a dull luster, put a trace of vaseline on soft cloth
and run beads through it several times. - Add orange peel to the pan when cooking the petals. - Roll beads in ground spices such as
cinnamon or cloves before drying.

- Press in designs with cloves or pins while forming beads .

@->->- @->->- @->->- @->->- @->->- @->->- @->->-

Someone asked me if I knew the connection
between rose petal beads and rosaries.
I didn't, but later I heard that rosaries
were once made of 165 rose petals

     This must have been how Mom’s rosary was made.

Another lovely surprise!  When I checked my Guest Book, I found a message from Anne Evans, a darling young woman who lived with her big, black dog, Lola, for a couple of years in the rental behind us.  We were captivated, watching as she and a friend dug up the big back yard and planted a veggie garden, which she kept in apple pie order. 
        She was attending Bastyr University, getting her Master’s in Nutrition, preparing for a career in that line.  Practicing what she preached, she would be out there gathering veggies most days at dinner time.  Watching this pretty lady in shorts or running pants and rubber boots became a charming pastime for us.
        We have both missed her, so it was good to get her message.  I emailed her and got this response:

“ I have finally completed my studies (woohoo!!!) and am working for a non-profit group in New York City and loving it. New York has been a wonderful experience and I have been keeping myself very busy going to shows and museums and all that new york has to offer. I recently moved apartments out of my sixth floor walk up apartment into a fourth floor walk up...hope lola and i dont get out of shape. I do miss working in my garden but there will be another garden in my future. The plan now is to stay in New York for one more year and then to move to Northern California to be close to my family. I miss seeing both of you and always think of you and hope that you are doing well. Keep in touch and send Vern my best.

Anne (& Lola)”

*      *       *       *

        I had a note from HistoryLink saying that one of my stories, “Grandmother’s Rose”, is being requested for use by the Maryland Assessment project to use as part of the school district’s testing program.  Of course, I was glad to give permission. 

        Also heard from HistoryLink that they are ready to start putting together some of my stories for a “chap book” they want to publish of my memoirs.  I haven’t a clue as to what this entails, but am pleased and excited by the prospect.  Priscilla Long, their senior editor, has chosen twenty of my stories that are already up on their site as a nucleus and has asked me to put them in chronological order, as a beginning.  I look forward to the task.
        John has suggested a title.. "Crazy Quilt Memories"… and Nan has offered to design a cover using the old, family photographs in a collage "stitched" together with black zigzags like featherstitching. I like both suggestions. I don’t know what HistoryLink thinks about these ideas, but will pass them along.

        August’s Premier Event was the wedding of Paul’s and Liz’ daughter, Molly, and her ChrisLiz and her Mom, Betty, spent weeks making the lovely wedding dress… Betty told me the last stitches went in the night before the ceremony!

For pictures, see My Family Snapshots, to left

        They were married at a very private affair at Miller’s Bay, in the morning of the 25th.  The big Party Reception was held at History House beginning at 4:00 in the afternoon.  The wedding party came in their finery.  Molly’s wedding dress was lovely and the soft green of her attendants was echoed in the fancy vests worn by Paul, Chris, and the other gentlemen.  There were both white and chocolate cakes and an enormous amount of wonderful food and drink.  Someone grilled chicken.  There were huge mounds of perfect strawberries and other fruit and a chocolate fountain for dipping….


        Since I was a child, I have wondered what ever happened to my Grandfather Gregore Pfister after my Grandmother Josephine divorced him in when my Dad was a small boy.  They were living in Merrill, Wisconsin, at the time and the papers were served to him in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, but records do not show that he “accepted” them.  After that, he didn’t show up anywhere we looked for him on census reports, even though we knew he had taken the name "George" as being more American than “Gregore” We just didn’t look in the right places.
I never given up, though, and John and Nancy with a lot of diligent research from Nancy's mom, Carolyn, have now traced him from Wisconsin to Minnesota, North Dakota, eastern Washington (Sunnyside) and, finally to the area of Avondale, near Redmond, Washington
I wish our family had known he was in the area during the years I was growing up. We think a step-granddaughter of his still lives in Monroe.  If we can find her, maybe she will have some memories to share with us.

August 29

        John and Nan drove me out to the Redmond Pioneer Cemetery this morning and I stood beside my grandfather Gregore's (George's) grave.  I was so touched!  He's the grandfather that has been missing my whole life.  I always hoped he had a good life after Grandma divorced him in 1890.  I guess he did.  The headstone next to him was for his wife, Isabelle Pfister... how comforting to me.
         I wish I could have known him.  My Dad's lovely sense of humor must have come from him.  My short, Swiss grandmother was more inclined to be peppery.. Strong and smart, but never funny.

Gregor Pfister

        And, on that cheerful note, I will wind up this August column.

I will steal Frank’s quote for my thought for the day;
         “You must think of six impossible things to do before breakfast, and then do them.  Practice the impossible.”

                             -Queen of Hearts, Alice in Wonderland-

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

ps...why was my son John pouting? Roll your mouse over to find out...


July, 2007 Newsflash
June, 2007 Newsflash
May, 2007 Newsflash
April, 2007 Newsflash
March, 2007 Newsflash
February, 2007 Newsflash
January, 2007 Newsflash
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September, 2006 Newsflash

August, 2006 Newsflash

July, 2006 Newsflash
June, 2006 Newsflash
May, 2006 Newsflash
April, 2006 Newsflash
March, 2006 Newsflash
February, 2006 Newsflash
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November, 2005 Newsflash
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August, 2005 Newsflash

July, 2005 Newsflash
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March, 2005 Newsflash
February, 2005 Newsflash
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Since 8/17/2004