News In A Flash
- May, 2003
29, 2003
Vern and I were very pleased to get an e-mail from John-R.
He is proud to say his ship received the Battle Efficiency Award again.
This is the third year in a row. “The Battle E is the most prestigious award
the ship can get,” he wrote. We should all be proud. John-R also said he had lost 15 pounds in the past couple of months. He did it on purpose.....running on the flight deck in 80-90 degree weather. Where could he have spared 15 pounds on that string-bean body? I am so jealous! Papa Paul says John-R has put in for shore duty in Silverdale, Washington, as a prison guard. Seems a tad out of character, but who would ever doubt what Paul says? Molly has a job with Kit’s Camera at Northgate. Something in the film developing department. Sounds interesting. Kit’s has been at Northgate for many years. Zoe says she has been asked by Heather to be a flower girl at the wedding coming up in August. She will be a very pretty one. That wedding gets lovelier sounding all the time. Russ called us from Gunnerson, Colorado, where he has just signed up for classes this Fall. He has been living in Colorado long enough now to qualify as a resident, making his college expenses much less. He says he will be taking mostly History. Russ already has quite a few credits from when he was at the college in Alamosa, Colorado. Meantime, before school starts, he plans to stay on at the hotel in Snowmass Village, where he has been working this past year. Dave and Ryan came to see us this week. Ryan looks great.... as long as he keeps his cap on. He has a formidable incision across his scalp, just above his hairline, where the surgery was done. Good thing he has a headfull of heavy, black hair which will cover it up within weeks. Main thing is, he is getting along fine. We are so grateful. |
24, 2003
news on the “Eye” front, mine, that is. The second opinion I checked
out left me feeling much easier in my mind, although I am no closer to
making a decision whether or not to have surgery done. First of all, he
squashed the worry about general anesthetic, saying it could be done with
a local. Second, if I choose to let well enough alone, I may lose more
of my central vision, but it is not likely I will become completely blind
in that eye. Some of the other worries remain, but I need a few things
to stew about, don’t I? |
19, 2003
Gpa and I just talked with Ryan, who is
at Children’s Hospital. He sounds upbeat and, we are told, is recovering
nicely from the second surgery in four days. Please, everyone, hold a good
thought for him. We love you, Ryan. Russ flew out this morning...back to Virginia, from whence he will be driving a U-Haul back to Colorado, helping a friend. It was great to see him, but hard to see him go. Nancy and Vern are doing some intensive pattern making for a gazebo- shaped bird feeder for me. I sure hope my resident squirrels don’t like the taste of wood. We have scalloped and shredded plastic to prove they are definitely not gourmets. Plans go on apace for the Wedding of the Year....Heather’s to Thomas, August 10th. The latest information to be shared: Her attendants will be wearing lavender gowns. Why are we not surprised? Since she was teeny-tiny, lavender/purple have been her favorite colors, a favorite shared by Mom Hildy and Dad Daniel, as well.. Your senior editor is trying, with some success, to learn to read without actually being able to see the words. Now, if I could just get the Post Intelligencer to print their news in #14 sized type, I wouldn’t have to guess at what is going on in the world.....or, maybe guessing is better than knowing, in this case. I can always check out “Lockhorns” (my favorite cartoon) with a magnifying glass. And Nan and John are always there to catch my typos. Haven’t heard from John-Robin for some time, but understand his ship has its bow pointed in this direction. Suzie, Gwen, Kurt, and Amina are back home after visiting Kirby in Colima. Kirby sends great e-mails. We will be using some quotes in the very near future.....with her permission. |
12, 2003
Ye Olde Senor Editor wants to go on record
that yesterday’s Mother’s Day Breakfast Bash, put on by John, Nan, Dave,
and Anne, was deeply appreciated. Fresh fresh fruit (strawberries, kiwi,
papaya, bananas!), scrambles with veggies and cheese folded in, bacon, done
to a crispy perfection, fresh from the oven cinnamon rolls and hazelnut
lattes! And, best of all, cheerful, loving faces gathered around the table,
which was graced with a bouquet of fresh, lovely tulips. Perfect weather....golden sunshine and blue sky, made even more lovely with a few puffy white clouds. A beautiful natural log container, planted with an apricot and rose tipped begonia, surrounded with deep, velvety purple-rose impatients is new on our patio. The rough furred Teddy bear and the soft furred kitten are still sitting with their arms wrapped around each other, as they came into my life. Princess sniffs, but hasn’t attacked . Paul came by on his way to History House, delivering a card and his own, special hug. I can’t describe that hug, but don’t ever want to be left on the outside of one, either. Hildy and Dan will make their visit on Tuesday, which will be another special day....... On the 13th, Vern and I will celebrate our 59th Wedding Anniversary! 59 years! It seems only yesterday, until we think of all the things (and people) that happened during those years! Then, we know it is a momentous occasion. One heck of a lot of people can be grateful. |
Our Wedding Day |
is Cinco de Mayo, and Nan made us a very good Mexican lunch to celebrate.
How do you say “Yum!" in Spanish? It is also the day after a great party at Ralph and Nancy’s home in Mukilteo to celebrate Mel’s 90th birthday. Mel sat enthroned in a chair in their comfortable family room, and obviously enjoyed the attention. He said he felt about 65 and couldn’t believe he was 90. Many of us told him we couldn’t believe it, either. He is happy to be home with his family, although quick to say he was treated very well in the rehab. place. |
drums with the Jim Basnight Band last night (May 2nd) in Winlock and tomorrow
night (May 3rd) in Gig Harbor. This venture began with the recommendation
of the Band's primary drummer who will be busy this Summer, working on an
album for Heart. Jack will fill in for the next several weeks at
venues around the Northwest. The Band performs an eclectic collection of
music, including acoustic rock, blues, hillbilly, jazz, and new wave. (Submitted by Jack's Mom) |
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Since 8/17/2004