Family News In A Flash
November. 2006

       November 15, 1918 was the day Vern Walter Nordstrand was born to David and Ida Nordstrand in Ballard.  He joined an older brother, Melvin David, who was born in Chicago on May 1, 1912. The family had moved to Ballard early in the year 1918.
        Vern was graduated from Ballard High School in 1937 and went to an apprentice program at The Boeing Company, where he was trained to work with sheet metal.  He received his Certificate for completing his apprenticeship from Eleanor Roosevelt. He remained with the Boeing Company for the remainder of his working life, with the exception of two years when he was employed by Teckler Aluminum Co. which produced aluminum windows.
        Vern and I, as Dorothea Pfister, were married May 13, 1944, and are the parents of David, John, Hildy (Lightfoot), and Paul. We celebrated his 88th birthday on November 15, with all of our kids and several grandchildren…

Vern, 88th Birthday

Other November babies are my brother, John Joseph (Jack) Pfister, my brother-in-law, Joseph Richard (JR) Burke, and our good friend, Anne Wangeman.


        I had to include this note from Heather about our only great-grandchildren to date:

“Hi Grandparents,

'Tasia just had her 9 month check-up at the doctor's.  She weighs 21 lbs and 9 oz. and is 30 inches long or tall (laying or standing :)).  Heightwise she's around the 99th percentile (taller than 98-99 percent of baby girls her age), and 89th percentile for weight.  She IS a big girl.

Last week her top 2 teeth emerged, two days ago (on Tuesday) she stood alone for at least 5 seconds.

Skyler's vocabulary continues to grow and he's starting to 'talk' with people outside his usual circle, including waving at them.  Today at PIP he finished building a tower of blocks on a table that finally collapsed when he had to stand up on his toes to put the last block on- yes, it was that high and he was that careful!


        In the way of children, we have, since this note, learned that they are both adding new things to their repertoire almost daily.  Heather keeps us supplied with pictures and e-mail notes, greatly appreciated.

        Ryan (Dave’s son) graduated from Washington State University on December 9, and will start on his post graduate studies at a college in California shortly after the first of the year.  We are proud of you, RyanDave, Anne, Ryan’s brother, Russ (and Jana), and others of his family were at the graduation ceremonies.  Ill health and age kept Vern and me from attending, but we were there in our thoughts.

        I don’t think I appreciated how well I had been until several nasty events made me acquainted with hospital and ER in the past couple of months.  Will be very glad to get back to normal as soon as possible.

        November 15, we had a party for Vern’s 88th birthday.  Dave brought a beautiful chocolate cake with special decorations and Vern’s favorite vanilla ice cream. 

Birthday Cake

Supportive Family
I thought maybe I had a bug that day,
but my family coaxed me out to the party,
and offered support in their own special way...

Most of the family was here, with the exception of Dan and Hildy, who were on vacation in St. George, Utah. We had a phone call from them during the party.  They were having dinner with Dave’s son, Russ, and Jana.  St. George is where the company they work for is based.

From Hildy & Dan:
Taking a Fall vacation seemed a little strange to me as we headed into the gray drizzle of Western Washington.  St. George, Utah was our destination and it proved to be a wonderful trip.  The temps were usually between 65-68 degrees in the daytime, dropping down to the 40's overnight.  Most days promised azure blue skies and plenty of sun.  We awed at the north rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona and Snow, Zion, and Bryce Canyons in Utah.  Each canyon was unique and beautiful.   It was great to spend some time with Russ and Jana, too.  They obviously enjoy living in the St. George area and spending their time off exploring the many bike trails nearby.

Hildy & Dan at the North Rim, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Jana, Russ & Hildy at Zion Canyon, Utah

        Thanksgiving for me was a blur…. I was just home from the hospital after suffering a bout with dehydration and complete exhaustion, so I spent the day in my bed while dinner preparation went on in our kitchen.  Nan and her Mom, Carolyn, came and baked pies.  Soon Nan’s sister, Debra, and her niece, Josie, arrived to help.  John showed up with a huge pot of soup to tide everyone over until dinner would be ready around 3:00. 
        It was a wonderful dinner and I will be eternally grateful to them all for making such a memorable day out of the bleakness I had envisioned.

From son Paul via Nan -

Paul had successful cataract removal and Lasix surgery, and for the first time since he was a kid, doesn't have to wear glasses anymore. Reports were that he was a little grumpy after the surgery, but maybe you should decide for yourself...

Pauls Eye
Post-surgery Paul...Yikes!

        I’m very late with this column.  We are actually well into the pre- Christmastime as I submit it, so I wish you all the very Happiest of Holidays and the Best of Health with which to enjoy them.

Quote of the month: “I don’t feel old.  I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap.” -Bob Hope 

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

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Since 8/17/2004