Family News In A Flash - December 2003
December 31, 2003

    Couldn't let the year run out without getting in a final word. So many things have happened this year, some good, some not so good... but, here we are, still bound together by heartstrings and love. Who could want more than that? HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Christmas was very special this year. John-Robin came home for the holidays and has made his arrangements for living in Silverdale, just across the Sound. He will be stationed at Bangor. It feels good to have him that nearby for a change. The Arabian Sea was too darn far away.

    Russ came home, too, looking good and full of talk about his new courses in college. He would like to get a position as guide for Outward Bound. He says the college at Gunnison has ties to that group. Some of his professors came from there.
     Russ and Jack had an overnight snowshoe adventure up beyond Stevens Pass. They burrowed into snowbanks to make shelter in which to sleep. My guess is you would have to be their age, early twenties, to really call that fun! Come to think of it, I'll bet both Vern and I would have, when we were that young.

    Ryan had a good, long vacation from college, too. He, Russ, and Jack came over and went to dinner with their Gpa, Vern. They spent the rest of the evening talking about hiking, skiing, snow boarding, etc., in our living room. Go-o-o-d visit!

    The family Christmas party was held at History House on the 21st, and was a great success. Suzie played hostess and supplied the potluck table with some huge platters of roast meat. Everyone brought their own favorite dishes for the well-filled table There was so much to choose from, it was impossible to try everything.... but I admit I tried!

Paul, me and Bunny

     Those wonderful elves that make up the staff moved the Green Lake display, which features many of my stories and pictures, into a prominent place, and set up the Dixie-Press website on a CD, so it was available, along with pictures of the Tiger Trip.

Hildy, Gordon, Bunny and Dave

     Really special, Vern's brother Mel and his son and daughter-in-law, Ralph and Nancy, were there. Also, my brother Jack's oldest son, Gordon, and his precious wife, Alice (Bunny) came. There were many, many members of Florence's and my families. Lots more good memories made.

Mel and Vern

     Hildy is making me a scrapbook from pictures from our Tiger Trip and bits and pieces from the stories I've written about Tiger, over the years. She let me have it to enjoy for a few days (it's gorgeous... I'm really hooked) then took it back to finish after the holidays. I hated to let it go, but know it will be even more of a treasure when it is done.

Hildy, me, Ralph and Nancy

    Christmas Eve and Day, Vern and I stayed home and were visited by family. We were both tired, and glad to stay put. John and Nan brought the rest of dinner, Christmas Eve, to go with the prime rib roast we provided. That was a treat. Dave and the boys were here during the afternoon on Christmas Eve, and Paul's family came on Christmas Day.

     We had planned to attend Hildy and Dan's Lightfoot family party on Sunday, but neither Vern nor I were able to go. Vern was worn out from all the festivities, and I managed to catch some kind of bug, really messing up several days for me. Hated to miss it. Dan's family is fun to be with. His Mom, Anne, is one of my favorite people in the whole world.

    Well, here we are, counting down to tonight's big celebrations around the country. Just an hour until the hoopla in Times Square in New York.... which will also mean New Years for Heather and Thomas in Maryland. I think Vern and I will take a nap and set a timer, so we can watch the local display (on TV) from Seattle Center and the Space Needle.
     It is very sad to know there is now a big cyclone fence around the Needle to (hopefully) keep it safe from terrorists. My wish for the new year is for peace around the world and freedom from fear and hunger. Our old world is at a sad time right now. I pray 2004 will bring good things.


Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

December 15, 2003

    My friend, Yvonne Piper, tells me she has seven cats, each of whom think its name is "Get off the Computer!" Could they be cousins of that pesky, glued-to-me, brown nuisance that lives at our house? The one who hears me constantly yelling at her, "Get down from there!.", "there" being top of dresser, wicker shelf near the ceiling, garden window, mantel....... anyplace high enough that I can't reach her.

    John-R got home last Sunday evening. He must have driven a bit over the limit to make it in that time. We can hardly wait to see him. We hear Russ will be coming for Christmas, too. Only Heather, of our grandkids, won't be home, but we can hardly expect that she and Thomas would make the trip out here so soon after their wedding. Traveling costs a bundle. In Maryland, maybe Heather will have the snowly, white Christmas she loves.

    This year's family Christmas party, hosted by Suzie, will be held at History House on Sunday, the 21st. My informants tell me it should be a good one. There will be ping pong, foosball, old movies, the Dixie-Press website setup, with its Family News, pictures, stories, and crossword puzzles. Add those to the already interesting museum set pieces and all the great food that comes to the potluck, and it will surely be a winner!

    See you there!

    Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

December 12, 2003

    If you haven't been there, go! I'm talking about Molbak's Festival of Poinsettias now in full swing in their gardening store in Woodinville. Hildy and Dan took us out there, today. That place is a treasure house of ideas for Christmas decorating. If it doesn't get you into the Christmas spirit, you are a lost cause!
     They had their usual gorgeous "tree" made up of hundreds of brilliant red poinsettias. This year, they had white, wrought-iron benches set around it. A perfect place for picture taking. Dan took one of Vern and me. They also had a table set up with complimentary coffee and chunks of Larsen's kringle. That is yummy stuff. Thank you, Molbaks.

December 13
     Nan's niece, Giuli (Nan says that is pronounced "Julie"), flew in from Oklahoma, this evening, where she has been attending Oral Roberts University. Her Mom, Debbie, sister Josie and Nan, John, and Pup-Pup (freshly bathed, brushed, and wearing her red bandana that she keeps for special ocassions) went down to greet her at Seatac. Aunt Nan says she is happy with the college and doing well. She is a very bright young lady.

    Paul called to say they heard from John-Robin this morning. He was leaving San Diego and on his way home from there. If he drives as he did before, he should be here in the next couple of days. There will be a warm welcome. We last saw him at Heather and Thomas' wedding in August. He is through with his special training in San Antonio, TX, and will go next to Bangor.... nice and close to home.

    I received a call from Bill Piper's daughter, Yvonne, to say they were eager to have the story of our family trip to the homestead at Tiger to use in Big Smoke, the official annual of Pend Oreille County Historical Society. She was interested in the rest of my writings, even the ones that didn't pertain to that area. I was flattered, to say the least. We had a warm, friendly conversation. I need to get that story written. Nan sent a CD of the pictures from our trip, plus the old ones we had gathered from the family, to Mr. Piper, so they already have those at Newport.

    Jeremy is off to California on another tour, this time with a new group he recently joined. It is so new that Hildy can't remember its name. When it becomes top band, we will all remember its name!

    Dave called to say he had been skiing for the first time this year, and could feel it. He never did do anything by halves. Now, in his retirement years, he will have to learn to pace himself. (Ha) That will be the day! At least, he is no longer doing flips on his skis. At least, I don't think so......

December 14
    Just had call from Paul saying John-Robin is already somewhere in Oregon and he expects to be home, tonight! He must be as anxious to see all of us as we are to see him. It is wonderful to know that, at least for a while, he will be stationed close by, at Bangor. He has been too far away for 'way too long.

    I read this in one of my senior newspapers: Genuine Antique Person, Been there, done that, can't remember.....
     Don't you believe it! I can remember things I'll bet you all wish I'd forget.

    Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

December 11, 2003

     Impossible! We can't be almost to Christmas! So far, I haven't baked a cooky or send a card. Please slow down, Calendar, and wait for me to catch up. I guess I really need that catapult my family has been considering to get me going.      Thanksgiving at John and Nan's was wonderful. We were sent home with enough left-overs to last for days.... and relished them!
The following weekend, John and Nan drove us to Yelm to see Nan's Mom Carolyn's farm and have lunch with her. Fairytale kind of place. She built it onto a steep hillside. Three storeys high, each storey accessible from the ground, and with the top one supporting solar panels for some of her energy source, it has to be seen to be believed. Just after we arrived, her regular electricity went out, so, without a blink, she switched onto solar power.
From big windows in the bottom portion, she overlooks her domain.... dense evergreen woods in the background. In front of that is the barn she built for her goats, and you can watch them bouncing around without leaving your perch. Next is an orchard and chickenhouse and pen. Climbing up the hill toward the house are berries and raised beds for her vegetables, some of which are still producing under fabric shelters. I could see sturdy stalks of chard and kale.
      It was fun to walk down to where I could scratch a goat's nose and look into her golden eyes. Carolyn uses the milk to drink, make cottage cheese, and a very garlicky goat cheese, which she sells. I can't remember having goat milk before, but it was excellent. To me, a bit sweeter than cow's milk. Otherwise, comparable. For lunch, she made us beef stew with vegetables from her own garden, including carrots, potatoes, parsnips, and turnips. Very tasty!
     I've been looking forward to going there. I've heard about it for years, and it was nice to actually see it. Now, when she writes, I can visualize what she is telling me about.

     Had a good visit by telephone with Betty Abbott, Liz' Mom. We are both so looking forward to grandson John-Robin's visit at Christmastime.

     Liz' brother, Rich, and his son, Andrew, will be coming to be with Betty during the holidays. She sounds good.

     Found this in one of my e-mails: By the time you find greener pastures, you can't climb the fence.

     Ain't it the truth!!

Your Senior Editor


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