Family News In A Flash - June 2003
June 23, 2003
    Hello Family......
    Today is a Red Letter day. On this date, twelve years ago, Nancy and John were married in a lovely ceremony, on a beautiful day, and brought her sunshine into our family. Gpa will be glad to take credit for their meeting, as he introduced them. Check out my “writing” “Love Story” for the particulars.
    They are taking a couple of days away from their regular schedule to enjoy time around Hood Canal and other pretty places on the Olympic Peninsula. No schedule, which in itself will make it special. Our Best Wishes go along with them.
    Heard from Russ. This is in answer to a note I wrote him recently. Sharing.......
    Things are good here, we're slightly worried about Ryan but I think he's one that can pull through. Sure glad he's ok again, lets hope it doesn't happen again. I'm accepted to go to Western State College in the Fall if I want to, so that's a go. Just got back from Telluride tonite, we were down at the annual Bluegrass Festival with my friend Mark who came up from Arizona. It was a great show, Telluride is probably the most Beautiful place in Colorado and I'd never been there before. The mountains are enormous and "green" almost like Washington there are so many Evergreens as opposed to a mix of Aspens and the same. Mount Uncompahgre (Uncomparable) looms above everything else as the second Highest peak in the state. I drove back the long way today, through Gunnison and Crested Butte, and took a free Kayak clinic, learned alot. I'll be back in CB on Wednesday for another 4 hour lesson, as I've got a friend working at the river outfitter down there. Thats all that I'm doing, just working alot, biking, boating and going to shows. How are YALL? Hope everything is well back home. Cya sometime in the summer hopefully, Russ”
    My note to him: sent June 21.
    “ Did you get your college all sorted out? Did you find a place to stay? Is the surrounding country gorgeous?”
    Ryan drove himself over and spent a couple of hours with us, today. He has a very weird haircut, which he mostly keeps his cap over. They shaved his head where the incision was, thinking they might have to go in that way, again, but left his 1/4" inch of “growing-back” hair alone, except for that. They were able to do the necessary through his tummy. He looks great and says he feels good. We had lunch together and looked at a video "Under the Bridge" about the Fremont neighborhood. John had brought it out yesterday for us to see. It was from 1990 so there were interviews with your Aunt Florence and Suzie, as well as a brief bio of J R Burke (your Uncle Joe) telling about his "rags to riches" business building in the area.
    We also played the video Paul made of John interviewing Vern about that trip when Vern was 15 and joined the hundreds of bums riding the rails (boxcars and some passenger cars) from here to the Chicago World's Fair and back. Now that story is saved for posterity. Vern did a great job of recalling all the bits and pieces of that trip. The tape will be a family treasure, I'm sure.
June 13, 2003
Received another great email from Kirby entitled, "Dumb Bugs"
Jack's playing drums for Brazilian keyboardist/singer, Paula b.n. Maya at 4pm on June 21st at the Fremont Fair.
Jack's Mom
June 9, 2003
    A few days ago, Hildy sent the site address for our Dixie-Press to Thomas, who passed it on to his parents, brother, and uncle. Uncle Frank was quick to e-mail the editor.. He sent a website which I hope you will visit. It tells about his, and his wife’s, fascinating careers which spans many years..... The ABLE in the company he heads stands for “A Better Learning Experience.” His bio tells us he was the program manager for the U S Department of Education directly involved with the development of “Sesame Street”, and he was also part of the set up for “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”, putting him on my hero list. Beyond that, he had a hand in getting closed captioning on TV, a boon for the deaf and hard of hearing.
    In one of his e-mails, he mentions he has just finished writing a book titled “Literacy in the Digital Age”. He wrote, and I quote,"I wish that I had seen the Dixie-Press before turning in my manuscript". Someday, I will get up the courage to ask him exactly what he meant by that. Why am I so paranoid?
    In another of his e-mails to me he writes: “Thomas Sr. (Thomas’ father) and I grew up in Dallas. Once I left I never wanted to go back whereas Thomas Sr. always wanted to go back and they are now living in a retirement village for deaf people in Texas. I have lived in California, Missouri, Illinois, and for 35 years in the Washington, DC area. I live in an 1890 ten bedroom house two blocks from the U. S. Capitol. Just what a single almost eighty year old guy needs”.
    He plans to come to Heather and Thomas’ wedding. I’m glad. He sounds like fun. Also, he is a hearing person, so will be easy to talk with for those of us who do not know sign. I feel really bad that I let my arthritic fingers stop me from continuing to learn this fascinating language. That is one of the few things I would do differently in my life, if allowed to do it over. To whom do I send the petition?
    Kirby writes that she plans to be home by the 4th of July. She has promised that must be official.
    Wonderful website for BonHomme Richard has heart-lifting pictures of John-Robin carrying a flag as part of the color guard for the Memorial Day ceremony honoring their marines, as well as for all military who have given their lives in the service. The website is: Check it out! That same site says the ship will be back in San Diego in late July. Too late to be back for Zoe’s birthday, but should be back for Megan’s.
    Heather has e-mailed that she made it home to Maryland....even getting there 20 minutes ahead of scheduled eta. Good flight. No problems.

Good news!
Good night!

Dorothea, Senior Editor
June 7, 2003
           This is for Zoe......
                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ZOE
                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
           We hope you enjoy being TWELVE. It’s a lovely age.
                         HUGS AND SNUGGLES
           Gma and Gpa
                                             * * *
    Paul and Liz received this from the homeward bound John-Robin: “I just wanted to write to you to let you know that I have my orders in my hands. I will be reporting to Lackland AFB on either the 15th or 16th of November for approximately 20 days in which I will go to school. I will graduate from school on the 12th of December. I will then report no later than 20 Jan 04 to Subase Bangor Brig for my ultimate activity.”
    Vern and I went to lunch at Yankee Diner yesterday for the reunion celebration for Ballard High School’s graduating classes of 1937 - ‘38 - ‘39. Vern’s 1937 group is getting smaller each year. Odd Johansen, Bob Howisey, Lorraine Peterson, Elsie Busch, Betty and Kenny Jones were the only ones I knew , although I think Vern recognized a few more. Lunch was good, but getting to (and from) the banquet room was difficult, being down a long flight of stairs. I’m sure the staff got really bored with how many of us suggested they should install an elevator.
    Heather caught an early flight back to Maryland this morning. Misty hosted another shower for her last night. The young ladies in this area who are Heather’s and Misty’s friends were invited. Counting what she was given at this and last weekend’s party, she might need to rent a U-haul to get all her gifts home at some later date.
    I think I am finished with my planting.......unless, of course, I see something else to add to our yard. The three hanging baskets I promised myself have grown to six.....and we love every one of them....even when we are out there with the hose to keep them happy in this unusually warm weather.
June 2 , 2003

    Heather is home for a few days, looking great. Sunday, her Aunt Marcia gave a wedding shower party for her at her lovely home in Kent. It was good fun, yummy food, and a lot of very nice presents and best wishes for the bride-to-be. One of the games played was for Heather to answer a series of questions as Thomas had, when he was asked. She answered 8 out of the 15 correctly. All of us now know his favorite ethnic food is Mexican, favorite color is lavender (fits right into the Lightfoot clan), favorite sport outside of track & field is football, he was born in Dallas, Texas, his first pet was named “Babe”, favorite fast food place is McDonald’s. There were more, but I remember those. I think Heather learned a few things about Thomas that she didn’t know before.....and so did all of the rest of us.

More Pictures - see My Family Snapshots link to left

    Besides the hostess, Marcia, and her daughters, there were Heather (of course), Hildy, myself, Misty (who will be her maid-of-honor), Misty’s Mom, Karen, Anne W., Nancy, Liz, Megan, and last and also least (sizewise) Zoe. With that name she will always be at the end alphabetically, ‘though, I’ll bet, not otherwise!
    We learned that Zoe will be Heather’s flower girl and Brianna and Amanda (Marcia and Steve’s daughters) will be Junior Hostesses. Another tidbit for the wedding plans.
    When they delivered me home after the party, Vern and I presented Heather with the necklace and earrings we hope she will wear on her wedding day. She really loves the way they look. We really love her, too. I think she probably knows that.
    Saturday was the dedication of the new mural panels that are now part of History House. They were conceived and painted by students from Pacific Crest School, under the direction of their teacher, Rob Kimmerer, who is also one of History House’s Board of Directors. They are wonderful! The kids were taken into the various districts of Seattle where they took pictures of what each neighborhood considered to be their distinctive icons. From those, came the exciting finished panels. They put a defining stamp on what had been a very bland back wall. We were amazed at the youth of the artists. I would guess their average age at about 12. They did an amazing job. Everyone is very proud of the result.

    Latest note from John-R casually mentions that he was part of the honor guard that paid tribute to their shipload of Marines on Memorial Day, including a 21 gun salute. We add our prideful salute, as well.
    For any of you who would like to know.....I have made the decision to let nature take its course on my eye least, for the present. That just feels right to me. I am much easier in my mind and sincerely hope it is the right way to go.
    Please be informed that Nan still hasn’t caught that mole she is chasing through their yard. She has gotten to meet quite a few of her neighbors, who came out to see what she was doing kneeling beside a 3 ft. square hole, with her head (and a flashlight) down inside, trying to hear which way the mole was digging. (I want you all to picture this in your mind)
    She got close enough to grab him by the tail before she realized she was afraid to. This relates back to her childhood when she was nipped by a fieldmouse. I know she appreciates my letting you in on this bit of trivia . Personally, I’m surprised there is anything she is reluctant to tackle.
    Jeremy is home from his cross-country tour with Siamese. He’s broke (as he expected), but wealthy with experience and a feeling of accomplishment. They were well received. What is even more amazing to me is that the four of them are still friends, after being jammed together for twice across the continent, along with their instruments and everything else. What an experience!

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Dixie-Dorothea, Senior Editor

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Since 8/17/2004