Family News In A Flash - August 2005
August 23, 2005

    August has been the warmest we can remember, with many days so uncomfortably warm we have been glad to stay indoors, close to the air conditioner and the fans. Both Vern and I were sun worshipers in our early years. Vern spent many summer hours on the beach at Golden Gardens which is just below the bluff where their family lived on Sunset Hill, the northern section of Ballard. My warm days were spent at the East Green Lake Bathing Beach, within a stone's throw of our home. I would often put on my bathing suit first thing in the morning and go to the beach right after breakfast. Mom had a whistle. If I heard that whistle, I was expected to be home within five minutes...
     All that was a long time ago. Now we find cooler more comfortable.

    August is Birthday time for several of our family. Among our own kids, John's is the only summer birthday.. August 17. The others born in August are Megan, Thomas, and Vern's cousin, Helen, who is in her nineties and still going strong. She lives in Hudson, Wisconsin. Helen and her husband, Alvin Nordstrand (deceased) raised three sons and a daughter, most of whom live near her to her great joy.


    My own personal highlight has been the publishing of my story "Shining Memory, Bright as New" in the Pend Oreille County Historical Society's annual "Big Smoke". What makes this one so special to me is that Nan and Heather each made an illustration to go with my text.

Shining Memory - Nan's

Packy Ratty - Heather's

    John and Nancy just returned from a short vacation. They drove to the north tip of Vancouver Island's Port Hardy where they met up with Nan's cousins Kay and John Evans and spent several days with them aboard their boat. Nan sent a picture that had me drooling. a bowl holding 80 bright orange-red shrimp, all ready for peeling and eating!

Kay & John

     Another shows a pod of orcas, and there is one of a Mom black bear and two cubs on a nearby beach.

    Our Summer Family Party, hosted by Hildy and Dan at their Canyon Park home on the 6th, was great. I got the weather I had prayed for.. bright and clear, but not quite as hot as it has been. Their yard was full of flowers, their emerald lawn neatly clipped, as usual. Hildy had made a "sail" of blue canvas to hang from their arbor and add shade to their patio. It works like a charm. Now the late afternoon sun can no longer reach the end of the patio where their table and chairs sit.
     Dan grilled chicken and there were many salads, chips, dips..
     There was a large, happy turnout.

Vern & I, Suzie, Kirby, Megan, Liz & Dan

Dan, Suzie & Amina

     Paul and Liz' whole family came, plus Leslie, John-Robin's lady, who was showing off the lovely ring that seals their engagement. The wedding is set for next July, after Leslie finishes college. We are very happy for them.

John-Robin & Leslie

Chris, Zoe, Liz & Megan

     John and Nan picked us up so that we wouldn't need to drive after dark, which I find very comforting since my vision problem makes oncoming lights blinding to me. This way, I sit in the back seat and ignore them, while visiting with whoever shares that seat with me. That was Nan, on our trip out. John-Robin drove us home with Vern upfront with him, so I got a chance to get better acquainted with Leslie.

Nancy & Ralph

     Our kids' cousin Ralph and his wife Nancy came, and Nancy made our hearts glad with her announcement that the cancer that threatened her has gone into remission. There couldn't have been better news. We rejoice.

Gwen and me

     Suzie, Gwen, Kirby, and Amina came. fresh from their fabulous travels in Turkey. Their pictures show a fascinating country, colorful and beautiful, with ancient ruins and very modern structures sharing. Mustafa had made arrangements for Suzie and Kirby to stay at a lovely resort on the Mediterranean Sea. A highlight of their trip was a visit to the ancient place where Mary, Mother of Jesus, lived out the rest of her life after her Son was crucified. Even though the population of Turkey is Muslim, this place is revered as sacred by the people who live there.

Jack & John

     Our hosts had set up a ping-pong table on their driveway and there was an inflatable swimming pool on the back lawn where Amina and Zoe managed to get themselves very soggy and full of giggles.
     Heather called by video-phone during the party, so we all got to wave at her, Thomas, and Skyler and they, in turn, got to see the mob that was at the party. Very satisfactory.

    Megan had very graciously moved her birthday celebration to the day after the party and they had a family picnic with Grammy Betty in Issaquah.

    Last Sunday, Russ and Jana brought down three of the longboards Russ is making and marketing under the name of Native Hill. The boards are formed from several layers of pre-laminated wood glued and pressed into a form by vacuum pump. He has used natural wood tones and muted green in their finish. They are very attractive.
     Russ and Jana have been living at the cabin at Skykomish this summer, but their latest plans are to return to Gunnison, Colorado, where they have been living for the past couple of years. Jana plans to return to college there and work for a degree in teaching.
     Dave and Anne joined us for dinner at Callender's, so that was fun!
     We asked what kinds of beer were available and the waitress mentioned one called "Kilt Lifter" so Dave and Russ ordered that for no other reason but that the name was intriguing. Russ offered me a sip and it was very good. Besides, the name is good for a laugh.

    Jack has a new job working in the produce department of Haggen's Top Foods in Woodinville. Only part time, but that is just what he wanted as he has arranged to attend Shoreline College again for the fall semester and maybe switch to UW after that. Jobs for college kids have been very "slim pickin's" around here this summer. He will also take up where he left off as webmaster for the Shoreline College website.

    Question of the Day: What color hair do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?

Until next time
Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

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Since 8/17/2004