Family News In A Flash - March 2005
March 23, 2005

    March has been going by so fast, it almost got away from me. I think it has something to do with the strange and wonderful weather we have been enjoying this year. Today is another of those bright blue sky and golden sunshine days.. Only today we have a mad March wind that is whipping the branches of the forsythia and the huge bouquet that is our 50 year old flowering crabapple tree until I wonder how those fragile blossoms can hang on!

    March is the birthday month for Hildy and Dan (11th and 13th) and for Nan (7th).


    A little late, but I know you all had good celebrations at the time. You all have told me so.

    Opened our back door a few nights ago and was face to face with one of those ugly 'possums standing on our porch! They weren't in this part of the country when I was growing up and I wish they would take themselves away again. I get the same shiver up my back from seeing them as I get from snakes. He didn't seem to like me any better than I did him and left.. But I am now keeping our small cat inside after dark. I doubt it would be a danger for her, but just don't like the idea of them having an encounter.

    Nancy and Carolyn are knee deep in research to maximize their pleasure in their upcoming trip to Wales. Maps and books, not to mention letters and e-mails are being delved into. Wales looks like a small country on the maps, but they have found so many people to visit and so much to see that they are wondering if the 2 ˝ weeks they plan will get them through it all. Carolyn's Isaac grandparents came from there and they know exactly where the farm was and have found people who can tell them much more when they get there.

    Wonderful news! Heather and baby Skyler plan to visit Hildy and Dan in April.. Getting closer every day! We have seen many pictures, but it just isn't the same as getting to hold the little guy. I hope he likes us.

    Paul and Liz paid us a surprise visit and brought us a whole packet of DVDs of Hercule Poirot stories. It was so good to have them visit. Liz has been so tied to working days and going to college in the evening, that we have not seen much of them lately.. together, that is Of course, I see Paul at History House when I go down there. Liz says she has only three more months to go until she gets her certificate in speech therapy.. And she can hardly wait!

    Thomas' uncle Frank Withrow sent me a note and pictures of him being awarded the first Lifetime Award for technology in education and training! Isn't that impressive? Frank's whole life has been spent in the field of education. He was with the U S Department of Education at the time Sesame Street and Mister Rogers were introduced into public television. From now on, this will be called The Frank Withrow Award.

    We seem to have two grandsons determined to be "mountain men". Russ and his friend, Jana, have set up a business to guide and teach mountain survival called Wild Earth Expeditions "for students of all ages". Their enterprise is centered in Gunnison, Colorado.

Katy, Mike, Russ & Jana

Jack's webpage says he is president of the Winter Camping Club. His focus is local. Cascades and Olympics. He loves to camp in the snow and has some spectacular photos.


    Dave and Anne are still very involved with rowing. That has been a good thing for Dave, since this weird weather (little snow in the mountains) has meant only one skiing day this whole winter, except for the days they spent with Russ in Colorado last month. They hope to have more this weekend, when they visit Jeff Ross and his wife Anne in Kamloops, B. C. Up there, the skiing is at Sun Peaks.

    John and Nan have fallen heir to some big, downed maple trees near Issaquah. They were cut into chunks too heavy for them to haul up the slight incline to where they parked their truck, so they have been splitting it there. John has a special wedge that will split a round into three or four pieces with just one whack if it is delivered just right. They are doing a few truckloads at a time. It will be enough for several seasons. Nan says they had their first fireplace burning of it last night and it burns hotter and slower than alder.
     They have plans to build a woodshed, but not until after the TRIP TO WALES, which is looming in the near future.

Thought for the day:
    Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
~Mark Twain

Wishing you well, as always
Dixie-Dorothea, Senior Editor


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Since 8/17/2004