Family News In A Flash -January 2005
January 25, 2005

     Hi, all
     First off, January is famous for more than just being the first month of the new year. We have some important birthdays. Dave (22nd)(date, not number of), Jeremy (18th) and Ralph (21st or 23rd my shaky memory tells me).

Happy Birthday to you-all

     I had a great note from Heather, telling about their Australia adventure. She's disappointed she didn't get golds in both of her events and refuses to accept the obvious fact that she just might be a bit out of condition having just delivered her baby less than three months. "No excuse", she says. Then, in true Heather style, she says... "Just wait until the 2009 games in Taipei. I'll show them what's what with the hammer throw!" She's a gem!

     Nan and her Mom, Carolyn, are planning to travel to Wales in May of this Spring. Both have been busy learning things about the country where Carolyn's great grandmother was born in a little village. Speaking of little villages, Carolyn told me there is one named Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrob-wllllantyniliogogogoch! I'm not surprised it is a tiny village. How would you like to have to use that for a return address?
     Nan brought a video over for us to see what Wales looks like. Old castles, small villages, rolling, green hills, and lots of sheep. Also lots of taverns, most of which have local singing groups. I've always heard the Welsh are noted for their almost universal beautiful voices. Tom Jones is an example.

     Last week, when John was leaving us he asked me if I remembered a little jingle I used to say to the kids that started out: "A fig bat molicepan"... I'm sure I looked at him as though he was crazy. but almost immediately the rest of that line came to mind."spied a bittle lum" and I said it. Right then, that was all I could remember, but for all the rest of the day, bits and pieces came back to me. Here it is:

A fig bat molicepan spied a bittle lum
Canding on the storner gooing on some chum
Fegged the bat molicepan, "Gon't you wiv se mum?
"Tixie on your nintype," said the bittle lum.

     After beginnings like that I'm surprised our kids grew up to be such intelligent people. Glad, though.
      I'm trying to remember who taught it to me. I think it was my brother, Jack (since he isn't here to defend himself).

     Sad note from Kirby. Her father, John Osterfeld, died after a long, hard illness. We grieve with you, Kirby, Gwen, and Michael.

     Letter from Vern's cousin Helen who lives in Hudson, Wisconsin, says she slipped on her icy porch and broke her left arm near the elbow. She is healing well. Helen turned 92 last summer. Her biggest complaint seemed to be that she will not be able to drive her little, red Ford Escort for six weeks. She sure has a great attitude.

     Jeremy has been in Chicago for several days doing some special wiring job. Being there for his birthday, some of his co-workers treated him to the "best steak dinner" he can remember. He likes the look of Chicago's architecture and enjoyed the "dry" snowfall. Will be back soon.

     Jack has been snowshoeing in the Cascades. The latest trip I have heard about was up the almost cliff-like mountain across from the Stevens Pass ski resort to Skyline Lake to try out his new, warmer sleeping bag. Much to my surprise, he says there were others up there, too.

     Vern went to lunch today with one of his old Boeing friends, Bob Horn. Bob told us he is 90 (sure doesn't look it) and that he still walks around Green Lake (aren't we ashamed?). Asked why his wife, Lois, wasn't with him, he said she is taking classes at the U of W! I'm not surprised. Lois traveled all over China last year on her own. I know she is younger than Bob, but not a lot.
      Okay, Dorothea, back to the exercise group for you!

     Thought for the day:
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a very bad memory.

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

January 8, 2005


     2004 gave us some pretty awful events..... young people dying in the wars and "police actions", hurricanes in Florida, some very mean forest fires, and, worst of all, the tsunami that simply wiped whole populations off the face of the earth. Our hearts are very heavy with the horror of it. Let us hope this new year will be one of healing and renewal.

     The new year started joyously with the wedding on New Year's Day of Michael Osterfeld and his lovely lady, Shoshana. The ceremony was held aboard the little "ice cream ferry" that connects Fremont with south Lake Union, a perfect choice for these two whose lives are so centered in Fremont. We wish them every happiness.

     Thomas, Heather, and baby Skyler left the day after Christmas for Australia and the Deaflympics. Thomas has been chosen to be Head Coach for the U. S. Track and Field Team. Heather is entered in hammer throw and discus.... this in spite of surgery to assist Skyler into this world such a short time ago... October 13, 2004. (That was one of the GOOD things from last year).

How many babies can brag they were part of the opening ceremonies of an international sports event?

     I am proud to spread the news that Heather will bring home a bronze medal from her hammer throw. I believe her world's record in this event is intact, as neither the gold nor silver medalists in these games came up to her distance record set in Rome's Deaflympics in 2001. She placed eighth in discus. Good showing for a brand new mommy.

     Vern and I each just purchased classy new walkers which should make the walking we are supposed to be doing much easier. They have brakes like a 10-speed bike, so we can slow our downhill progress and built in seats if we need to "take five". So far, we haven't taken them beyond our alley, but I look forward to being able to take myself to the library very soon.

On your marks...

     Hildy has taken on the task of helping me with my bookkeeping and the sorting of pictures, both of which have gotten out of hand with my vision problem. She has come a couple of times and things are looking better already. I'm grateful. We may find the top of my desk one of these days. It's under there somewhere. I'm not so sure about the table spread with boxes, bags, and piles of pictures.

     John-R reminded us that the information about his tour of duty aboard the weapons carrier BonHomme Richard was very out of date as he has been stationed at Bangor, WA for many months, now, attached to the navy brig as a guard. He is very glad to be stationed so close to home after three cruises into the Arabian Sea. He lives in nearby Silverdale in an apartment. He and Leslie have announced their engagement, but marriage will not be in the near future as Leslie wants to finish her education first.

John and Leslie have known each other for many years. Her family lives across the street from John's family.

     We were saddened to hear that Carol Burke died. Our hearts go out to Joe and the rest of her family. Carol was a lovely lady. I remember her as one of the prettiest brides I ever saw, with her black hair and startlingly blue eyes.
      Also, Cheryl Willett has passed away. She was my cousin Elaine's second daughter. Her sister, Sandra Brame, called to give me that sad information.
      Both these ladies were far too young to leave us.

     History House continues to evolve and grow. The present focus is on the Neighborhoods of Northeast Seattle. On January 22, there will be an all-city Family Day to show over 45 exhibits from that portion of the city.
      There will be a visual presentation on the "Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition" with live narration (by John), as well as history, fun, and games, with prizes for kids 8 years old and up. It promises to be a fun day.

     We received a card from Ralph and Nancy (Mel's son and his wife) that explains why they were not at our family Christmas party. Nancy is just now recovering from pneumonia. We missed them, but can certainly understand. You are in our thoughts, Nancy.

     Son John's wife Nancy (known to most of us as "Nan") and her Mom, Carolyn Sheldon are planning to visit Wales this spring and are busily learning to speak Welsh. They have cassettes and a book to help them. That seems to me to be a very daunting task.... all double ells and odd arrangements of letters. For example.....

     Blwyddyn newydd llawen dda i chi (blooeythin nayooweeth lhlhowen dda ee khkhee)

     is Welsh for HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor


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Since 8/17/2004