Family News In A Flash - January 2004
January 30, 2004

    Where has January gone? Jeremy and Dave both had birthdays. Jeremy, the 19th (of January, that is), and Dave, the 22nd. Dave, Anne, Vern and I had dinner at Outback.. An eating experience! Jeremy met Hildy, Dan, and brother Jack for dinner at Charlie's, on Shilshole.

    Celebrating Dave's birthday always warns me that there is another one for me waiting in the wings. February 4, I will be 88! When I say it is hard for me to believe, it is the same thing as feeling there is a thin person inside trying to get out. I guess both of those are sheer imagination.

    Board meeting at History House this morning was mostly about planning for future events. The North Central Seattle celebration is winding down and the focus will now be on Southwest neighborhoods. It was good to hear that attendance at History House is on the rise. There is a lot there to browse and enjoy.

    Suzie invited me to have lunch with her and Kirby, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Costa's lemon soup is a delight. I keep hoping I might "catch" some of Suzie's energy. She has more than one person's share, and I am feeling needy.

    Hildy spent a day with me last weekend, making inroads into the confusion downstairs. She suggested we might turn Dave's old room into a combo extra sleeping/craft room. Seems like a good idea. Since we turned the third bedroom on the main floor into an office, anyone who stays over has had to sleep in the living room on couch cushions.. Not the nicest arrangement.

    John-Robin called from his new apartment in Silverdale. He is in the process of learning his new assignment at Bangor. We were delighted to hear he has signed up for some college classes, too. Feels good to know he is that close to home, for a change.

January 15, 2004

     We are half-way through the first month of the new year and I am still waiting for a feeling of renewal within myself. Can't seem to shed the cold I brought with me into what should be a new beginning. When it stops raining, I will go search the yard for a sign of crocus or snowdrops. Either of those should trigger a feeling of approaching Spring. I need that.

     Heard from Russ this week. He sounds excited about his new classes which will point him in the direction of some outdoor career, such as guide for Outward Bound. It seems he has found his niche.

     The Selkirk Sun, little newspaper from Metaline Falls, near Tiger and Ione, published my story about planning our homecoming trip to Tiger, which we did in October. They also published two of my poems in their December issues: "Midnight Snowfall" and "When Jolly Old Santa Caught Cold".

     John forwarded an e-mail to me from a Newport, Washington, newspaper, "Newport Miner", which asks for information about our Trip to Tiger to be published in their magazine called "Horizons". Sounds like they want to do something like an interview to be written up by one of their own reporters. We will be learning more about this soon, I hope.

     Hildy sent us copies of some snapshots taken at Molbak's including the spectacular "tree of poinsettias". Brought back some warm memories of a great day spent with her and Dan, visiting that huge greenhouse and gift shop. She included some pictures of their beautiful pond with several visiting ducks.

     Nancy and Pup spent the day with us, yesterday, both bringing sunshine on an otherwise gray day. Nan added a chunk of downspout to the one that has been sending water directly into our basement. Now, it will drain onto the driveway, instead, a much better arrangement.
     Vern and Pup have a real love affair going on. Pup looks up at him with those adoring eyes and he melts like a snowcone on a hot summer afternoon.

Me, too. She has us all wrapped around her paw, except for Princess, who sulks on my chair in the office room whenever Pup comes to visit. I hope she comes down off her high horse pretty soon.

     Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor


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