Family News In A Flash
September 2006

       On the morning of September 11, Vern awakened me by calling out that I had better call 911 for him.  Since he had been unwell for several days, I wasted no time and within minutes Vern’s bedroom was filled with eight big firefighters/paramedics who checked his vital signs and whisked him off to Northwest Hospital.  John and I soon joined them there. 
        It was confirmed that he had suffered a small heart attack, not bad in itself, but complicated by his ongoing congestive heart failure. Over the following week they helped him lost many pounds of fluid and they discharged him to Columbia Lutheran nursing home on Phinney N, across Green Lake from our home and near Woodland Park.
        In expectation of his need, Hildy and I had toured the three facilities closest by home and had both made this one our first choice, so it was great news when they were able to come up with a bed for him when it was needed.
        I am grateful to be able to say he is much better, now, and is responding to their good care and physical therapy.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers….. and a note or card would be appreciated, too.


Paul and Liz
Paul & Liz

        Maybe this is the place to announce their daughter, Molly’s engagement to Chris Webb. Their marriage is planned for August of next year.  Congratulations and best wishes Molly and Chris.

Molly and Chris
Molly & Chris

September birthdays include my brother Jack’s son, Gordon Pfister and his son, Mark. and his daughter, Tammy, and her husband Jeffrey Hills.   
Then, we have our grandson, Ryan, who is Dave’s younger son.
and our niece, Suzie’s, grandson, Kurt Kapasuzoglu.


      Nancy and her Mom, Carolyn, with John in tow, are being blest with a visit from Welsh cousins Bronwen and Ritchie.  This charming and friendly couple are folks Nan and Carolyn met on their unforgettable trip to Wales in May of 2005. 
        One of the many places they took them while showing off our corner of this country was Mount St. Helen’s.  They had a special interest in that mountain as the ash from its eruption in 1980 found its way to their home in Wales!

Mt St Helens
Ritchie & Bronwen

        Other local relatives joined with some of our family for a special potluck at History House where displays from Wales, including the many pictures Nan had taken on their trip, were on display.  Also, there was a very complicated family tree with pictures where possible, which is being put together by Carolyn with the help of her granddaughter, Josie.  It is quite a project and very interesting.

Party table
Carolyn, Kay, Hildy, Rich & Bronwen

Assembling the Family Tree
Josie, assembling the family tree

The Whole Group
Standing - John, Dan, Steve, Rich, Bronwen & Hildy
Seated - Dick, Josie, Kay, John, Dorothea, Carolyn, Richard, Nancy, Sandy, Robert & Marilyn

        To cap that event, we were treated to a sunset cruise on John and Kay Evan's neat boat around Lake Union, past the University of Washington, and through the cut into Lake Washington, under the floating bridge past Medina, where we could see the visible parts of Bill and Melinda Gate’s beautiful home.  Then we went back through the cut to see the houseboats and all the shipyards, lots of working tug boats, crab boats being refurbished for another season, Gas Works Park (where one of our 4th of July fireworks originates) and the big buildings of the Adobe complex…. just to mention a few of the bustling businesses there.
        The weather was great and we had a sunny sunset… All of us who were lucky enough to be there will never forget it.

Dorothea, Robert, Carolyn, Sandy, Marilyn, Josie & Bronwen

John & Marilyn

Hildy, John, Dan, Marilyn, John, Richard & Steve
On the upper deck

Rich & Marilyn
There was a gasp of horror from the passengers below when they were told that Rich was at the helm!

Dick, handing drinks to the upper deck

Dick & Marilyn

Kay, Dorothea, Sandy & Carolyn

Hildy & Dan

Dan & Ritchie - deck hands extraordinaire

        On a personal note, I have had my story entitled “Bogus Diagnosis” accepted for publication by Northwest Prime Times, a local newspaper for “over 55s”.  Publication date is proposed as probably next May, so my anxiety about getting the pictures they asked for was calmed.  I need to learn to take it as a “given” that everything in this life doesn’t have to be done immediately (if not sooner).  I’m working on it!
I can vouch for the following, which is a quote from Phyllis Diller….
“Maybe it’s true that life begins at fifty…. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.”

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

August, 2006 Newsflash
July, 2006 Newsflash
June, 2006 Newsflash
May, 2006 Newsflash
April, 2006 Newsflash
March, 2006 Newsflash
February, 2006 Newsflash
January, 2006 Newsflash
December, 2005 Newsflash

November, 2005 Newsflash
October, 2005 Newsflash
September, 2005 Newsflash
August, 2005 Newsflash

July, 2005 Newsflash
June, 2005 Newsflash
May, 2005 Newsflash
April, 2005 Newsflash
March, 2005 Newsflash
February, 2005 Newsflash
January, 2005 Newsflash
December, 2004 Newsflash
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October, 2004 Newsflash
September, 2004 Newsflash
August, 2004 Newsflash
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Since 8/17/2004