Family News In A Flash
June 2006

    A little late, but June was a very full month and I'm not as quick as I used to be. That said. Here's June.
(from webmaster Nan - I've added to the delay, as it took me nearly two weeks to get this uploaded with the pictures! sorry!)

    June is Zoe's time of arrival. She is the youngest of the Nordstrands. Her parents are Paul and Liz.


    Also birthday time for Anne Lightfoot, Dan's Mom.
     Brother Jack's branch of the family has birthdays for his granddaughter, Sharon Nancarrow and her daughter, Amber Trigg. Also his great-granddaughter, Sheliah Hills and his great-grandson, Luke Pfister.


    June was the birthday month for Bernice Nordsven Nordstrand, now departed. She was Mel's wife and Ralph's mother. We miss her. Also sadly missed is John Byron Lightfoot, Anne's husband and Dan's father.

    Things go on much as usual at our house. A few "tired" days, but mostly good.
     Vern's sleep test revealed he has something called obstructive sleep apnea and quits breathing many times during sleep. He is now using a CPAP device at night to keep his air passages open. The hope is this will make him less sleepy during the day.

    My "Too Short" story was published in the May 25th edition of the Seattle Post Intelligencer. Since it is a very short story, I offer the text here.


    In my youth, I grew to be 5' 2" tall, but in my late maturity, I have shrunk to a mere 4' 11", putting many thing literally beyond my reach. The other day, I was standing beside the bread rack in a local grocery store, eyeing the Western Hazelnut bread on the top shelf, at least a foot-and-a-half too high for me. A tall young man appeared beside me.
    "You are too short", he observed.
    "I noticed that" I replied. "What do you suggest?"
    "Tell me what you want and I will get it for you."
    I indicated the hazelnut bread and he swooped it into my cart. "You did that so well, would you mind getting me another?" I asked. He got it.
    "Thank you, Taller-than-I-am" I said.
    "You are welcome, Short---" (my heart did a hiccup, hoping he wouldn't call me 'Shorty') "--Short Person"
    We exchanged smiles and he walked away. I realized he had come with the express purpose of helping me. What a nice man! And, another lovely experience to add to the list of kindly things that have happened to me in this, my 90th year.

    History House is hosting Music in the Sculpture Garden again this summer. June 11th, Michael Guthrie, guitarist, and Orville Murphy, harmonica, teamed up for one part of the program with a mix of familiar root folk songs and blues. A lady busker (that means she makes her living as a street singer) named Niceol Blue was the other act on the program. She has a big voice with an interesting break in it and sings mostly songs of her own writing. Very appealing.
     They had a good turnout and the weather was lovely, making that a fun place to spend a Sunday afternoon.
     After the concert, I had the fun of watching while Nan took pictures of Michael Guthrie and our John, one of which will become the cover of the next Victory Review magazine. I think she got some really good ones

    Father's Day brought John and Nan early in the morning with some lovely day lilies and cream cheese frosted cinnamon rolls. They even brought the hot coffee to go with the goodies!
     Later, Dave and Anne brought champagne and the makings of a great brunch. sausages, frittata, fresh strawberries, blueberries, bananas.. and a fancy sweet roll. That should take care of our food requirements for some time.
     We heard from Paul, who, with five kids, has his own Father's Day pretty full.
     Hildy and Dan took us out to their place the following Saturday to celebrate Father's Day with a lovely lunch and to see their new Pennsylvania bluestone patio and pathway. It's nice to have one's kids all living close to home.

    On that same note, Paul, Liz, and Molly brought down the dozens of pictures that were taken at the Tea Party given by Molly at her Grandma Betty Abbott's house. It was a "must wear hat and gloves" occasion and a bridal shower for Leslie, who will be our grandson John-Robin's bride on July 2. The array of hats and gloves showed lots of imagination.


Kirby & myself

Kirby & Leslie

For more pictures, see My Family Snapshots to left

   Liz brought us a very special treat. white Stilton cheese laced with mango and ginger. Oh, Yum!

    Hildy sent me this quote: "Humility leads me to do anything I can do in any situation without having to do everything in every situation." (no author) You need to read it twice and think about it..
     After watching her directing the action at several functions lately, I have to say whatever it is she believes in must work. she's beautifully efficient.

    Dave, Anne, Betsy, and several other members of their rowing group took a bicycle trip around San Juan Island one Sunday. As a bonus, they were treated to some wonderful sightings of orcas. They are finding the social side of that group very pleasant.

    John and Nan took a few days away to do some research about the time period my folks and Uncle John were on the homesteads at Tiger. They went on from Pend Oreille country to her aunt and uncle's place on Lake Coeur d'Alene. That's always fun.

    Late in the month, Heather and Thomas Withrow and their two babies, Skyler and Anastasia (our great-grandkids) came from Maryland to spend some time with Heather's parents, Hildy and Dan. There never were two more adorable children. Of course we're prejudiced. We are supposed to be!

Anastasia & Skyler

    "By the time you are eighty years old, you've learned everything. You only have to remember it." (George Burns)

    "By the time you are ninety years old, you know that what you have forgotten isn't nearly as important as what you remember." (Dorothea Nordstrand)

Dixie/Dorothea, Senior Editor

May, 2006 Newsflash
April, 2006 Newsflash
March, 2006 Newsflash
February, 2006 Newsflash
January, 2006 Newsflash
December, 2005 Newsflash

November, 2005 Newsflash
October, 2005 Newsflash
September, 2005 Newsflash
August, 2005 Newsflash

July, 2005 Newsflash
June, 2005 Newsflash
May, 2005 Newsflash
April, 2005 Newsflash
March, 2005 Newsflash
February, 2005 Newsflash
January, 2005 Newsflash
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July, 2004 Newsflash
June, 2004 Newsflash
May, 2004 Newsflash
April, 2004 Newsflash
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Since 8/17/2004