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Preparing and researching for our trip...It all started in August of 2004, when we... Winchester...

Winchester Mill Youth Hostel

A very old building there

Winchester Cathedral, where the bells rang all evening

Nancy at Winchester Cathedral

Carolyn in Winchester

Evening view of the Hostel, while sipping wine at the Pub

Our Dorm room at the Youth Hostel

The rafters of our Dorm room

Stonehenge... Avebury...


Part of the Stone Circle at Avebury

Looking into the huge Henge ditch at Avebury


Tinturn Abbey...
Cardiff... Kidwelly Castle...

We arrive in Wales
Tinturn Abbey

Tinturn Abbey

Kidwelly Castle

    The Welsh Woolen Museum...  

Kidwelly Castle

Kidwelly Castle

Weaving at the Welsh Woolen Museum


Noddfa B&B in Felindre...

Carolyn using our little laptop

Breakfast at our B&B in Felindre

Welsh Hearth with ancient beam

Typical Breakfast!!

Organic Cheese Farm...

Ffarm Caws Cenarth Organic Cheese Farm

Carolyn getting cheesemaking tips from Carwyn

Blue Cheese in the making

We arrive at the Ocean
Aberaeron... Aberystwyth...

Ocean breeze in Aberaeron

Waiting for the tide

Further North on the coast - Coming into Aberystwyth


The Valley... Early Morning Drive...

We arrive "Home" and are welcomed by a rainbow

Exploring the churchyard at Llanfihangel Yng Ngwynfa

Churchyard at the Church of St Michael

Our B&B...

Our B&B, a working Dairy Farm

Our B&B, Cwm Llwynog, "Valley of the Fox"

Our Room at Cwm Llwynog

Breakfast at the B&B

Roger Milking

Roger & milkcows

Joyce & grandson Louie

Roger and Carolyn talk farming

Welsh Hearth, with woodstove

Loading Silage for the cows

Packing & Storing the Silage for the season


We were really looking forward to meeting our relatives, Thomas & Kathleen who had been writing....
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We meet some of our Isaac Family - Thomas Erfyl & Kathleen, and their sons Selwyn, Timothy & Alun

The beautiful Vyrnwy Dam - Isaacs helped build this in the 1890s

A very common view - only a foot or two wider than our car!

Fun exploring with Kathleen - Our connecting with her family research is what brought us all together

View from Melangell

Church of St Melangell

Carolyn exploring the churchyard

Sheep running ahead
Nantydwyrhos - where John & Jane Isaac lived in 1851, and many other Isaacs since

Kathleen, Selwyn
& Thomas Erfyl
with us

Thomas & Kath with their son Gareth, who lives & works in Llanfyllin
Meifod, Lower Street... Haulwen...

The location of the home where John & Esther Isaac lived in Meifod in 1861

Haulwen and daughter Lorraine, son Rob, and granddaughter

Gwyneth... Maurice... Bronwen...

Thomas & Kath took us to meet family - We loved meeting Gwyneth, another 3rd cousin

Thomas' brother, Maurice & his wife Haulwen

Thomas' sister, Bronwen made us feel so welcome!

Rich and Bronwen, more wonderful cousins!

We had written a postal letter to Gwyndaf, who invited us...
Our new friends John Dafydd, Ella & Gwyndaf show us the ruins of Pengraig farm. Exploring
Pengraig where John Issac was a 21 year old apprentice shoemaker in 1851

As a boy John Dafydd played with the Isaac children here at Pengraig


John Dafydd's Old School at Pont Llogel

We're being watched carefully

Gwyndaf points out farm locations

John, Gwyndaf, Eirlys & Ella, with us beside a very old Welsh Cupboard

The War Memorial at Llangynyw

Church of St Cynyw In Llangynyw


View from the Llanfihangel Yng Ngwynfa hilltop


A quiet place by the river

The War Memorial at Dolanog, with Isaacs
    The Concert at Dolanog was an amazing evening for us...  

St. John's Dolanog

Parti Cut Lloi concert at Dolanog - 18 men singing and Sian James with her harp - so beautiful it gave us chills
Some of the singers at the Goat Inn in Llanfihangel Yng Ngwynfa
Just before a song!

Thirstquenching scenery

Blooming Hedgerows

Mom visits with a Welsh Pony



An evening walk on the Banwy River, near our B&B at Llanfair Caereinion

More cousins - Carol, Geoff & Nancy - we met them in Chester

The Wall at Chester - it encircles the old city

Chester Cathedral
      Hilary & Howard...


Carol & Carolyn

Making friends - Hilary & Howard

A beautiful walk near Llanfyllin

A great way to get over a fence

Sheep resting under an ancient tree



Thomas & Kathleen take us to Barmouth on the ocean

Carolyn, Kathleen & Thomas

3rd cousins Thomas & Carolyn

At Barmouth


Pastures where Thomas has shepherded since 1964

Steamtrain to Welshpool

Meeting Maureen in Welshpool

Through the pastures

It's a noisey, fun bumpy ride


  Coed y Garthllwyd was the home where Mom's great grandmother had lived when...    

Coed y Garthllwyd, where the Richards lived in 1841

We enjoyed meeting the friendly family living there now

Puttenham, where Nancy's father's Putnam family came from

We leave Wales - to Puttenham Church

The Locks at Puttenham

View from our Room - London

Our free London Room


At the British Museum


In London - on a Red Double-Decker Bus

The Kings' Horses at the Tower of London Museum

Big Ben from the Riverboat

Changing of the Guards at the Palace



Carolyn tries to get out of trouble?

Practice for the Queens Birthday Celebration

For the Queen's Birthday

This Website is dedicated to the memory of

Kathleen Isaac
1953 - 2007
whose love for family and research has connected
Isaac relatives from across the globe,
who now know and love one another.


Dick Isaac
1940 - 2009
a newfound cousin whose smile and chuckle
will be missed greatly.


Gwyneth Riches
- 2010
our 3rd cousin whose warmth and
hospitality we enjoyed during our visit


John Dafydd Richards
- 2010
who joined us in our wonderful hike to PenGraig farm,
and showed us what the farm layout had been when
he played there as a boy with our family.


Rich Williams
1944 - 2014
Cousin Bronwen's husband, who always had
a big smile for us,
and an even bigger heart.

Please email us about any problems or errors you find
If you're enjoying our site, please sign our Guest Book here to let us know - we'd love it!


© Nancy Nordstrand 2005. Any commercial use is forbidden without written permission.
If credit is given to "
© N Nordstrand" next to the image,
you are welcome to use these images non-commercially. Enjoy!