We had a terrific year - with lots of adventures with family and friends, graduations & marriages.
A trip to the LaConnor tulip fields with John's Mom, Dorothea in April got the spring off to a colorful start.
     Then in May we took a trip to Tulsa for our niece Giulianna's graduation from ORU, and marriage to Ben Kesler two days later.
     June found us heading east to Tiger to visit Dorothea's parent's homestead, and Spokane to see wonderful old family photographs at Pat & Norm Scheer's. and then to Lake Coeur d' Alene, Idaho to visit the McCarthys, where we had a great visit and rode the bike trail along the south end of the lake.
     In July our nephew, John Nordstrand was married to Leslie in nearby Snohomish.
In August we hiked to an alpine lake to go fishing on John's birthday. Nan's Mom came and spent lots of time helping us paint the interior of our house and fix it up, a long overdue chore, and it turned out great.
     In September Nancy's cousins from Wales, Rich & Browen, arrived for 2 weeks, and we had a really fabulous time. They were terrific, and gave us the excuse to see many things around our beautiful area that we hadn't seen for years, if ever! Their relatives from Seattle and as far away as Clarkston came to meet them - it was wonderful.
     Nan and her Mom, Carolyn have been enjoying being involved with Welsh events in the area, and John has been experimenting with Welsh recipes, with delicious results. (If you have a favorite Welsh recipe for us to try, we'd love it!)
      We all made it through the huge storm in December, all with lights out - some of us for a few hours, and some of us for over a week. We had relatively little damage here at our house - two big branches crashed holes through our roof, and two more skidded the shingles off, but we were able to temporarily patch them quickly, before the heavy rain came. The morning after the storm, we drove for 45 minutes through town looking for a hot cup of coffee, and only found one little tiny row of buildings that still had electricity on the entire drive, and lots and lots of trees down and roads blocked. It was really eerie. The two of us moved into the living room, stoked the wood fire, put a pot on top of the stove to make our coffee, and made a big pot of homemade chicken soup. On the fourth day our generous neighbor loaned us his generator for a while to keep our freezer frozen, and on the fifth day our power was restored, and we cheered. We have just now finished raking and piling the broken branches in the driveway - the pile is pretty big - 12 feet by 8 feet by 4 feet!
     We hope this finds you and your families healthy, happy and enjoying the holidays. Best wishes for the New Year!
Lots of love,
John &

