Dorothea Pfister Nordstrand

1916 - 2011

Click on a photo to enlarge

Home Page:

90th Birthday - SURPRISE

90th Birthday, Fireman Dan

90th Birthday Party

90th Birthday Party

90th Birthday Party

90th Birthday Party

95th Birthday Party

AKCHO Awards Ceremony

Anniv 1969

Anniv 1969

Arm wrestling

At Carolyn's

At Charleys Wedding 1942

At Hildy's Garden

At John Robin's Wedding

At wedding 1976

Baby Dorothea

Birthplace, Tiger 2003

Brother Jack, Graduation

Christmas Day 1949

Christmas Gift

Christmas Party


Deer At Debra's

Dix Charlie And Friend In Woods

Dix In Beach Cottage

Dorothea's Photos of Celilo Falls

Dorothea, Jack and Florence In Tiger Field

Dorothea & Marion Lasswell, Tiger Visit abt 1928

Dorothea 1937 age 21

Dorothea abt 1935

Dorothea age 16

Dorothea and Anabel 1918 --2yr 2 mo

Dorothea and Bears abt 1939

Dorothea and Eva abt 1934

Dorothea and Florence

Dorothea and Kitty

Dorothea and Miggs rowing abt 1942

Dorothea and Miggs Smiling abt 1934

Dorothea and Miggs Standing abt 1935

Dorothea and Suzie, Tiger 2003

Dorothea at 16

Dorothea at Desk abt 1940

Dorothea at the Camp

Dorothea at the Camp


Dorothea Car Camping abt 1939

Dorothea Enjoying the Homestead, 2003

Dorothea Graduation 1934

Dorothea in Field

Dorothea Mary Florence

Dorothea on Steps

Dorothea on Swing 1995

Dorothea Ozette Hike

Dorothea Pfister

Dorothy, Joe, Fishing

Dried Flowers

Dorothy and Mary 1928

Dix and Miggs on beach

Dorothea and Skibby

At John's Wedding, 1991

At Tiger 2003

Evelyn, Dorothea and Eva, abt 1937

Exploring Josie's Electronic Gadget


Family Abt 1955

Finding Family

Finding Treasures, Tiger 2003

Finding Treasures in Tiger Homestead

Florence & Dorothea

Florence and Dorothea in Banning

Florence and Dorothea on Lawn abt 1932

Florence and Dorothea with Wheelbarrow

Foss Award

Foss Award Ceremony

Four Kids 1959

Frances Gierhofer, Grandmother

Frank Gierhofer, Grandfather

Gardening Grin

Garden Party

Genealogy with Carolyn


Green Lake Frozen 1929-30

Gregor Pfister, Grandfather

Gregor Pfister

Heather's Wedding Shower

Hildy's Garden Party

Hildys wedding 1974

Hildy and Paul

In Paul's Truck

In Pixie Hat

In Tiger, Ryan, Dave, Dorothea, Phyllis and Walt

I KNEW they would
make you cry!

Jack and Florence on Haywagon

Joe and Potatoes

Joe Pfister, Father

Joe Pfister and John Geirhofer at Weidaner and Lansdon Mill 1910

Joe Pfister at Weidaner and Lansdon Mill 1910

John's Assistance

John and Dave

Joseph, Mary, Jack and Florence

Josephina Pfister Bratz, Grandmother

Joseph and Mary Wedding

Joseph Pfister, Father

Kiss for Skyler

Lots of Advice for Bunny

Mary, Mother

Mary and Dorothea in Tiger Field

Mary Gierhofer Pfister, mother

My Family 1963

New Wheelies

Northeast Improvement Club

Nose Ring!

On Lake Union

Opal Mining

Our Family at Tiger



Pauls wedding 1976

Pfister Family At Tiger Homestead


Researching with John


Roosevelt High School

Seven kids abt 1922

Sister Florence, Graduation


Stogie 1969

Thanksgiving 2010

Tiger 2003 Walking

Tiger Children in Wagon

Tiger Collage

Tiger Homestead

Tiger Picnic 2003

Tiger Picnic 2003

Tiger Store 2003

Tiger Store 2003

Tiger Town, Joe Pfister on Sleigh

Tulip Fields

Tulip Fields

Vantage View


Vern and Dorothea

Vern and Dix On Beach

Vern and Dorothea 1969

Vern and Dorothea 1978

Vern and Dorothea Abt 1990

Vern and Dorothea at Playland abt 1943

Vern and Dorothea by car 1944

Vern and Dorothea on porch abt 1942

Vern and Dorothea Portrait 1944

Vern and Dorothea with JP Noses

Vern and D with Family poster

Vern Climbing 1937

Walt Crowley, Dorothea and Suzie

Willard Jue Award

with Cake

With Carolyn and Lady

with D 1978

with friends 1977

With Gordon and Bunny's family

With Gwen

With John

With Princess

With Reagan

With Ryan, Russ and Kirby

With Sequoia

With Tasia

with Tasia and Hildy

With Vern 2008
